Joey and I want to finish the house in 2011.
Judy and Margaret gave the project a big boost during their Christmas visit. They meticulously measured all of the final pieces needed to finish dry walling the downstairs living room, including a few dozen little pieces to accent the exposed beams of the ceiling. Margaret learned how to wire outlets, snap gypsum board, and find studs.
Judy was in charge of marking openings to be routered, holding heavy pieces of board until they were all screwed in, and the most inglorious job of all- prep and clean-up.
All three of us were outfitted in Joey's work clothes. We joked that I looked like a real Alaskan handy man with my big belly and rainbow suspenders.
Although Judy and Margaret did their lion's share of household chores this "vacation" shoveling walking paths and driveways, splitting and stacking wood, and other Alaskan winter necessities- we were able to take advantage of the short days and get out and have some fun.
We helped a freind Heather rig up her dog-team, went skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, snow machining, and helped Sandra and Loomis process their roadkill moose meat for donation to the local food bank.
All in all...just another typical vacation in Talkeetna.
Happy New Year!