Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raise the Roof

After much frustration Joey and I finally have completed putting in our roof rafters and second story ceiling joists. We each read about four roofing books and worked hard at calculating our roof angles. We tried a couple of test pieces and...failure. Steam was coming out of our ears.

Just when we thought all was lost we called our trusty lifeline engineer- Johnny, Joey's brother. He told us to hold up the rafter to the desired level on the outside of our bulding and trace the angles. Seem too simple- we'll it wasn't. It worked. Hooray.

It has been quite rainy the last few days so we now have the rafters covered by a large brown tarp. The next sunny day will be mayhem- we will try to work very swiftly to get the roof sheathing in place.

We had a lot of debate between ourselves whether to go with shingles or a metal roof. Based on the snow loads, occasional strong winds, and the coolness factor- we have deceided to go with an unpainted metal roof. Rainy days will be awfully cozy with the pitter-patter of rain on the roof as we relax in front of the woodstove......

Today we started framing in the mud room and calculating the second of three roof lines. The final roof line to design will be over the front porch.

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